Owning your own vehicle is such a cool thing. You have the ability to just get up and go anywhere, whenever you want. It makes going to work, meetings, and appointments extremely convenient. Although, none of those perks can apply if the thing won't even start. Don't worry, the pros... [read more]
Summertime in Texas is hot, and there's no denying that. Therefore, when the day cools down into nighttime, it's your chance to do something fun. A wonderful hobby that can get the entire group excited is roasting marshmallows to make s'mores. This is a summertime tradition, and it brings a... [read more]
One of the most exciting weekends of the year in Columbus, Texas, is when the Magnolia Days Festival rolls around! If you've been before, you know just how exciting it is. If you haven't, we hope you attend with us this year! Cavender Ford is a proud sponsor, and we're... [read more]
April showers bring May... outdoor events! The sun is shining now that spring is here, so celebrate by spending a weekend outside at Gendeke! This event is fun for the whole family and celebrates traditions rooted in Texas. Our team at Cavender Ford looks forward to seeing you at this... [read more]
Are you getting bored with eating the same old, same old dish for breakfast every morning? You’re not alone. But if you’re always on the go, it can be difficult to try something new and novel whenever you feel like it. When you have a morning with little extra time,... [read more]
Finally… it’s spring. This winter might have been long and cold, but now, the warmer weather is finally upon us. That means it’s time to spend more time outdoors. If you have a garden, that’s definitely where you’re going to want to be at this time of year. But before... [read more]
If you’ve found yourself staying home more lately, you’re not alone. But all that time at home can make you crave something new, different, and novel. And if you’re an outdoorsy person, then that something different could be a national park. However, if you can’t make it out to the... [read more]